Counter strike source lan

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The game engine, Source from the company Valve, provides much better graphics than its predecessor Half-Life: Counter-Strike, and also introduces a more realistic physical model. Counter Strike Source free download - Counter-Strike: Source CS Beirut II, Counter Strike 1. This nature of the game encourages teamwork and trying to stay alive. Voting is a game feature added in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,but cut from Counter-Strike: Source. At the beginning of each round, players get the money to buy weapons and equipment for killing enemies, and the objectives are given extra money. Instead of reviving the death of the players need to wait until the end of the round. The core gameplay is like many such drugimh military shooter with a first-person, but, unlike them, based on rounds.

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Teams rescue / hold hostages and neutralize / set the bomb. Seandainya komputernya lebih dari dua, maka perlu menggunakan perangkat HUB/SWITCH yg berfungsi sebagai terminal. Jika terdapat 2 komputer saja maka perlu menggunakan kabel UTP atau kabel LAN untuk menghubungkan 2 komputer tersebut. The counter-terrorists (special forces) fighting against terrorists. Pastikan di beberapa computer sudah terinstal game Counter Strike.

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The combination of realistic and fast arcade shooter pace – one of the key elements that made the game so popular.

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Based on the extremely popular mode to Half-Life, Counter-Strike, this game is a completely redesigned version of it on a new engine.